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Pat The Garlic Lady


See you at the Show!

We do Renaissance Festivals with a booth full of our amazing garlic products.

Take Some Time With The Family

Garlic can't change the way the World is heading right now, but it can make a difference in how our families and bodies react to each other. We want to be healthy. It's a fact that Garlic has been keeping civilizations in better health for around 8,000 years. It's just history.

Our plans are to continue to support you, our beloved customers, with all of our smelly products making your dishes the stars of "Your" shows. We truly love you all. We'll see you at a show and if you can't make it, just jump up to The Garlic Shop and we'll send all your Garlic Goodies directly to your home.

Here's a Nice Garlic Tip

How to peel Garlic quickly and keep for a year.

(Click the Link below and enjoy)

@jenniferstipsandtricks on YouTube

Please be kind to each other. Gather around the table and celebrate. Share food, love and comfort. We all deserve it.


Garlic USA Online is our periodic newsletter that you sign up for.

When you subscribe, you will receive a great little collection of our favorite Stinky recipes..

FREE Cookbook
It's an instant download just for you. We love GARLIC!
We also do Arts & Craft Fairs around the country.

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From Pat's Desk

Welcome My Stinkin' Friends

Welcome to Pat The Garlic Lady - family owned and operated for 34 years! We specialize in uniquely flavored garlic seasonings, sauces, mustard's, pickled garlic, oils, well, go look at the store, it will all be there for you and your friends. We can be found at Art & Crafts Fairs and Renaissance Festivals around the country. We make America Stink. You can find your kids in the dark too. Check out the store or come see us at a show, or just click and we'll send it to your door. Check out our online Garlic Shop right here on the site.

Our 2025 Festival's Begin 

Let's Celebrate The Stink!

Shop at our store right here on the site.
Enjoy many pictures of garlic and our family made garlic products right here on the site.
We pitch our tent at festivals in Mt. Dora also.
The things you find on the Web

This is a pretty funny read I found the other day. It was posted 9 years ago. It made me smile, well I mean it made me Laugh Out Loud. It's a funny read. CLICK:

Pat the Garlic Lady - Questions, she's got answers.
Spreading the Garlic Gospel everywhere.
Sign up for our Newsletter below. You will get a FREE COOKBOOK download
"Garlicious Dishes" - 43 Great GARLIC recipes. "Keep on Stinkin'."
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