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Garlicious Dishes
43 Major Garlic Recipes
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Well check this out. Garlicious Dishes was originally put out in 1993 in a small booklet that was basically the "Garli Garni Handbook" We sold a few thousand copies and then let it rest.
In 2006 when technology gave us the chance to put it out on CD with links we sold a bunch more.
Then we had a computer drive crash. We lost the original files and we didn't have any copies, so it was gone. Forever. Today I found a CD in the bottom of a box. So today, It's available again in it's original digital form with navigation links too. Sweet!
The recipes are wonderful. Short and to the point. In and out of the kitchen in 20 minutes or so for most of 'em. There are 43 simple and tasty recipes. Simple to assemble and they will make you look like a star. That's why we sold out of it every time we put it out.
We are so happy to be able to offer this little historic booklet in it's original form and have it available for download forever. I promise I will not loose it again.
Here's the sections we have for you:
Introduction • The Secret Ingredients • Appetizers • Soups • Storing Garlic • Salads & Dressings • Main Dishes • Pastas & Sauces • Side Dishes • Closing Thoughts From Pat • Links.

Price: $4.99
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Remember: This was first put out in a printed version in 1993. (Sold out) Then put out as an eCookbook CD in 2006. (Sold out) Then I just recently found a working CD. So now it's available as a digital download. Technology has changed. Links have changed and vanished, but this eCookbook is in it's original form.